I am so excited to be collaborating with some of the greatest fitness ladies of Prince Albert!! Our first annual FiTCrawl sold out in just days!

One of the main reasons I started this business was to create a community of like minded people working towards a common goal of self love, exercise, and a super support system.

In this day and age our sense of community seems to be lacking. Few take the time to get to know their neighbors, hold open doors, or even smile at strangers.

People need people. Think of how you feel after a long overdue visit with a friend. Or when someone lets you in in traffic. Or when you go to the gym and see your work out buddies. Hmmmm warm fuzzies right?!

This FiTCrawl and F.L.Y Wellness are perfect examples of surrounding yourself with people who will build you up and support you. We need these types of things to create JOY in our regular everyday!

I’m so grateful to be a part of this. Whoop!!

Happy day and First Love Yourself!!
