Good Saturday FLY Friends! We are on day 14 of our Accomplishment series. Let’s do 100 squats (jump if you like) and 100 hip dip planks (50 each side).

I wanted to take time to speak to fitness options in Prince Albert and the surrounding area. 

Yesterday, my lovely friend Tanis invited me to a P90X class at Inspire30 Lifestyle & Fitness with Robin. It was fun and challenging. Check out her FB page.😁

I will be posting different options for all of you to check out for the new year of your AWESOMENESS! Everyone has different needs, levels of physicality, and time. You have to find what’s right for you. My goal is to get everyone moving in a way which makes YOU feel amazing.

I have beautiful, smart, and amazing friends who are doing great things to encourage wellness changes in our community. The options are limitless. 

The point I want to make is this. 

I own FLY Wellness (First Love Yourself😁). I am ONE of many great options for YOU to do something for YOU in the New Year (or better yet, right now). 

One of the first steps to forming a community of like minded people is to respect and support one another. This is what I’m here to do. 

Happy day and First Love Yourself!